Tree Planting at QCC

point shovel

Saturday, October 23, 2010
8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Quinsigamond Community College
Worcester, MA

Troop 54 will join with other Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops to plant 100 trees in two hours. This is part of an effort to reforest our city following the loss of thousands of trees to Asian Longhorned Beetle eradication and damage from the 2008 ice storm.

Event Flyer

Additional event information:

  • They have politicians. They expect to have the Mayor of Worcester, Harriett Chandler and the head of QCC speaking.
  • QCC will provide coffee, juice, promotional giveaways, such as water bottles for the participants.
  • QCC is coordinating either a noon snack or boxed lunch for after the plantings.
  • Unless it is thunderstorming - we will plant in the rain!
  • 7 trainers are lined up.
  • QCC/Worcester Tree Initiative will have tools prepared.
  • QCC will try to have all holes pre-dug.

Bring your own work gloves if you have them.


8:30 AM - Sign-in
9:00 AM - Opening Ceremony
10:00 AM - Tree Planting

Waiver - one completed waiver is needed for each youth or adult volunteer on this event.


Page updated 10/19/10.

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