Wolf Cub Scout Uniform

The Wolf Den is for second grade boys.

Wolf Book
Cub Shirt
Wolf Hat
Cub Belt
Wolf Neckerchief
Neckerchief slide:
Cub neckerchief slide
Council Strip Patch
Pack 54 numerals

What you need to buy for a boy joining as a Wolf Cub Scout:

  1. Wolf Book
  2. Cub Scout Blue Short Sleeve Shirt
  3. Wolf Cap
  4. Cub Scout Blue Belt w/ Buckle
  5. Wolf Neckerchief, yellow
  6. Wolf Neckerchief Slide
  7. "Heart of New England Council" patch
  8. Unit Numerals "5" and "4" patches

Other items are either optional or are provided by the pack as awards.

Refer to the Cub Scout uniform inspection sheet for patch placement on the uniform.

There are several places where you can buy these items.

Pack 54 does not use den number patches.

Page updated 9/19/18
J. Froimson

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