Pinewood Derby - Car Construction

Pinewood Derby

February 8, 2018
6:30-8:00 PM
Epworth UMC

Car Kits

Before the event, you need to build your car. Purchase your car kit where they sell Scout Stuff, or you can buy one from the Pack for $4.50.

Car Construction

Except for cutting, each Scout should build his own car. Each car must be made to the included specifications. The 3/8" bottom clearance is required to avoid damaging the track. Recess any weights you mount on the car bottom. See our Pinewood Derby Rules for details.

On this night, Scouts will mark up their blocks of wood (from the purchased kit) to show where cuts should be made, and adults will cut them on a scroll saw or band saw.

Each Scout can leave after his car is cut.

Pinewood Derby Car

Page updated 2/5/18
J. Froimson.

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